martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

TWD: Hungarian Shortbread

Now this is one that I'll have to be making for ages now! Let me explain. If my mother likes something I've made, she will ask for it in every dinner, party, festive event or so.. I'm glad, because that makes me able to bake more than cheesecakes and apple cake with pedro jimenez reduction (this is a sweet spanish wine for desserts).

Like always I couldn't wait until it cools down so I tried it... it crumbled down and only tasted like butter and sugar... I left it there for the night and tried it the next morning. To my surprise it was delicious! My mother said it was amazing and my dad and me finished of the batch together in two days!

Of course now all of us are on a strict diet for the week after that. You can imagine... Sugar+Butter+Raspberry jam= VERY FATNING! Yes, I used raspberry jam, this is because trying to find Ruibarb in Spain is kind of hard. The result though was amazing.

I still have to make my glutten free version of this, this time I will probably use less butter. You can find the recipe in 1smallkitchen and The not so exciting adventures of a dabbler...


9 comentarios:

  1. Hi, your cakes looks delicious.
    I've reduced sugar & butter in mine and still tasted fantastic.
    All the best.

  2. It looks like yours turned out perfect! :) Glad you baked along this week! :)

  3. No rhubarb in Peru either! Yours with the raspberry look lovely!

  4. We spanish speakers can´t seem to find rhubarb! I really liked it too and stole a bite while still hot! The vegan substitute should be interesting..

  5. You're so cute! I can hardly ever wait for things to cool before trying them! But, I agree, this was better the next day.

  6. Raspberry jam? Great!!! this sounds delicious, I'm glad your family enjoyed it so much!!!

  7. Oh, those look tasty.
    And now I am thinking about ice cream with a Pedro Jiminez sauce on top.

    Thanks for baking along this week!

  8. They look beautiful...we loved them! Yes, so many calories, so I need to eat small pieces...but so worth it!
